2012 Year In Review in Education

I’ve always been a sucker for end of year lists.  I always get a special glow when I’ve read a lot of books on the Best Books of the Year lists, or have seen the movies on the Best Films list, or have the shows on my DVR list.

There have been a lot of summaries of what happened in education in 2012 and what will happen in 2013.  Here’s a few:

The Hechinger report on 2012

The Atlantic’s Year Ahead in Education

CNN’s Schools of Thought:  the year ahead

It seems like a lot of these predictions or summaries are about the growth of online learning.  I don’t have a lot of experience with online education — I’ve taken a few classes for professional development — but I’ve been intrigued by the publicity surrounding Khan Academy.  “Learn everything” is a pretty bold statement.

I would love to hear more about research examining the effectiveness of this type of learning for different groups of students across all backgrounds.

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