Friday Extra Credit For March 1, 2013: The CEO edition

I read a lot about corporate America this week — and feminism.  All good news, since I was able to read conversations this week that made it to the front page of newspapers and blogs that I have never seen before on such a scale.

In case you’re interested in feminism, parenting, work (or all of the above) and you’ve been living on a rock, here are a few articles that sum up this week’s news.  And a few you may have missed.

1.  Marissa Mayer’s Job Is To Be CEO — Not To Make Life Easier for Working Moms by Anne-Marie Slaughter.  I was surprised by her take on this.  But it’s a great argument for not making any judgments just yet.

2. Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg:  When Executive Women Keep Other Women Down by PhD in Parenting.  Annie connects both leaders’ decisions to critique these corporate women’s positions.

3.  Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer: ‘Lean In’ and Get Your Butt to the Office. Joanne Bamberger of The Broad Side and The Huffington Post discusses how both women ignore the realities of ordinary women’s everyday lives.

4.  PBS’s The Makers: Chronicling the Fight for Womanhood as We Know It. Morgan Shanahan of BlogHer and wrote about the PBS documentary and her personal connection to it, as a feminist and mom.

5.  “It’s Time To Put An End to Intensive Parenting.” Finally, my own post on the need to rethink intensive parenting as a feminist cause has gotten many thoughtful response and made me rethink a few of my own assumptions about how to define parenting styles.



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