My son is everything about being two all at once.
He’s an angel and a tyrant. A monster and a savior. He’s a limit tester and a routine lover.
His face is a constant map of his emotional life: mischevious grins, wide-mouthed belly laughs, drooling sobs, outraged wails.
He is a sponge of words and new wants and worries. From one day to the next his words expand into phrases, then sentences, and then songs and sayings.
He’s a lover of trains, trucks, trash, books, balls, climbing, sorting, singing, raking, rocks, dogs, dirt, dandelions, leaves, olives, and avacados.
He’s all two. Every second.
So thrilled to be linking up with Alison from Writing, Wishing and Galit from These Little Waves.
What was your kid like at two?
My niece and nephew live with my family along with their parents. One is turning three and the other is turning two. They are little monsters of love! LOL! My nephew, David, is in love with animals and loves the outdoors; he always screams at his grandfather “Big Mow!” because he loves riding on our lawn mower. Angela, my two year old niece on the other hand, is in this climbing phase where she wants to climb anything in anything and doesn’t care if she gets hurt. Oh joy for little kids…but you gotta love them!
My oldest, almost 20, was beautiful like your son. Can’t believe how time has flown but it is wonderful to see the young man he has become.
He is very handsome.
I remember two being a very good year with my daughter. It was a lot of fun.
I love this! I need to go link up myself… this is perfect, and you chose a beautiful photo!
Two is all at once, my favorite and most dreaded age. It’s also magical. Love this, Jessica, and thank you for linking up!
Love how you’ve captured his two-ness! My girl was a quieter two (felt like her terrible two-ness didn’t actually start till she was 3!). But I can’t wait to see what my son’s two is like!
Two is really the beginning of sentience. When they can articulate, share their thoughts. It’s beautiful. And–as that placid baby develops WILL and VOICE–terrifying to the unprepared parent!
Yes, that’s exactly what is happening: he is developing his voice. And it’s fantastic and frightening all at once!
I was about to tell you to link up to Alison and Galit…but you did.
He’s handsome and automatically cool because he likes olives
I know. Isn’t that weird? His favorite foods are pickles and olives. He prefers green olives to black.
What a sweetheart! My biggest is just turning 5 and I can barely remember him at 2. Crazy how fast they grow.
My boys were complete opposites of each other. Eric would climb anything, try anything, talk to anyone. Jason was (and still is) much more reserved. Wanted to be near mama, played quietly by himself, and was generally pretty agreeable.
Love the picture of your little one. I can see the spirit in his eyes 🙂
Oh my, yes. Two, indeed.
(*This is so very beautifully, and lovingly, done!)
You have picked just the right words, multitudes and contradictions!
This makes me miss two!!
What a gorgeous guy you have there.
Love this. Toddlers are an introduction to opposites, that’s for sure. The picture is gorgeous btw…
Very cute little one you have! With my daughter it was like they flipped a switch. She went from being this sweet, calm little girl to a crazy talking machine. She started with tantrums and screams. She is now going to be 4 next month and she is back to being a sweet little preschooler. I do know however why it is called the terrible 2’s! 🙂